In many countries, community pharmacies have played an important role during the COVID-19 pandemic, providing essential medicines and personal protective equipment (PPE), disseminating information on disease prevention and management, and referring cli-ents to health facilities. In recognition of this, there are increasing calls for an improved understanding of the challenges and experiences faced by these providers during the COVID-19 pandemic, with a view to providing them with better support and guidance now and during future emergencies. Between January and February 2021 we conducted 21 qualitative interviews to explore the experiences, safety concerns, and attitudes of pharma[1]cists and pharmacy technicians during the COVID-19 crisis in Indonesia, a country that has recorded more than four million cases since the start of the pandemic. Interview transcripts were analysed using thematic content analysis. Findings indicate that COVID-19 has had a significant impact on pharmacy practices in Indonesia. Most participants implemented pre[1]ventive measures and adapted their business models to the changing circumstances. The shift to remote sales and home delivery allowed many pharmacies to maintain, and even increase their profit margins due to greater demand for medicines and PPE. However, many participants were concerned about the increased risk of infection due to limited social dis-tancing and prolonged interactions with clients, many of whom displayed COVID-19 symp-toms. Importantly, there was a general perception that the government did not sufficientl recognize these risks. In conclusion, the government should consider developing additional operational guidelines and regulatory frameworks to improve the safety, operation, and involvement of community pharmacies in the current pandemic response efforts and any future public health emergencies.